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How Incorporating CBD Affects Your Workouts

At the beginning of the year I wrote the article How to incorporate CBD Into a Daily Routine which slightly touched on the topic of CBD and workouts, specifically pre-workout and post-workout. This blog post; however, is going to dive deep into working out with the combination of CBD. If you're looking to take your workouts to the next level with CBD, this blog post is for you.

Inflammation and workout induced pain

Pain and Inflammation are two of the most common after workout side effects. While cannabinoid receptors target the pain receptors of the body, CBD intake before or after working out can target the body's endocannabinoid system. Meaning, the body can be relieved of pain caused by workouts. Moving on to inflammation, the way CBD reduces inflammation is by reducing the levels and activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, exerting anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting T cell proliferation, inducing T cell apoptosis, and increasing blood flow to the affected areas. Elevated blood flow to the inflamed tissues helps to clear out the cellular debris in addition to damaged proteins and by-products of muscle activity.

Stress and Anxiety

Given that CBD can be used as a mood stabilizer, it is no surprise that it can greatly help with stress and anxiety. Two years ago; in 2020, a study published in Sports Magazine concluded that CBD can drastically lower stress and anxiety making individuals enjoy their workouts much more. To quote the article directly “CBD may help you get in the right mental state for a workout by improving motivation, and can help you focus on your body and be more mindful in your workout or practice,” .

Increased energy levels

To branch off of what we just spoke about in the paragraph above, CBD heightens the mood as well as energy levels. With a better mood comes more motivation and energy. CBD interacts and enhances the body's protein synthesis. Additionally, CBD increases the body's levels of dopamine creating the feel good feeling giving you the energy to take on the workout.


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